Chinatown B.I.D.

The Chinatown Business Improvement District (Chinatown BID), aka Chinatown District Management Association (CDMA), was formed in 2012. The BID works together with the Chinatown Partnership Local Development Corporation (CPLDC) to operate its services and programs.

What Business
Districts Do

BIDs create vibrant, clean, and safe districts. They deliver services and improvements above and beyond those typically provided by the City. These services can include:

  • Street cleaning and maintenance
  • Public safety and hospitality
  • Marketing and events
  • Capital improvements
  • Beautification
  • Advocacy
  • Business development

BID services do not replace those provided by the City. By law, City services cannot be reduced because of the existence of a BID.


BIDs help to brand their districts and market small businesses on their corridor. They facilitate networking among merchants, host community events, and advocate for improvements to the district. BIDs also serve as a liaison between local businesses and stakeholders and the City government. In doing so, BIDs provide a collective voice for the neighborhood and help inform City policy based on their unique local knowledge.


BID Oversight & Management
Each BID is run by a not-for-profit organization with a Board of Directors. Elected by members in the district, the Board must include property owners, merchants, residents, and representatives of local elected office. The Board is in charge of making key decisions about programs and services, budget, goals, policies, and staffing.


BID Funding
BID programs and services are funded by a special assessment billed to property owners within a district. Assessments are unique to each BID and decided upon by the BID’s stakeholders. The City of New York assists with the collection of the special assessment, which in turn, is distributed directly to the BID. The BID receives 100% of the money collected.


On average, assessments make up 75% of BID budgets. Most BIDs also fundraise, apply for grants, and generate revenue from programs to support the services they provide.

  • Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (President, Tony Chuy) 紐約中華公所朱超然主席
  • Hei Chan, Kam Man Food, Inc. 陳希先生
  • First Vice-Chair, Kenny Chan, Fukien American Association, 福建同鄉會陳鍵榕先生
  • Jimmy Cheng, United Fujianese American Association, 美國福建公所鄭時甘先生
  • Secretary, Nolan Cheng, Cheng, Yeung & Lee PLLC, 鄭明佑律師
  • Third Vice-Chair, Stephen Cheung,H. Realty & Management, 張國強先生
  • Anthony P. Colombini, Chu & Partners
  • Edward J. Cuccia, Edward J. Cuccia, P.C. 愛德華.古奇律師
  • David Fu, San Kiang Charitable Association傅先清先生
  • Kenneth Leung, Lin Sing Association, 梁漢本先生
  • Chun Ka Luk, Broadway Chinatown Realty, 陸晉家博士
  • Kenneth Ma, Mott Street Optical Group
  • Gabe B. Mui, The Chinese American Veterans Memorial Building Committee (representing the American Legion Lt. B.R. Kim Lau Memorial Post 1291), 梅本立先生
  • Judy Ng, Flushing Bank吳薛美嫦女士
  • Max Ng, HGCPA 伍堅石先生
  • John J. Pasquale, PEP Real Estate
  • Second Vice-Chair, Michael Salzhauer, Benjamin Partners
  • Sio Wai Sang, Golden Jade Jewelry, 岑灼槐先生
  • Stella Shiu, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (USA) N.A. 蕭佩儀女士
  • William H. Su, Grand Hotel, 蘇煥光先生
  • James T. Tang, Hwa Yuan Szechuan, 唐逸仙先生
  • Treasurer, Tony C. Wong, Wong & Co., CPA’s, 黃宗澤先生
  • Dimas Vargas, New York Jewelers Exchange
  • Chair, Frank Yee, Yee Fong Toy Family Association, 余宏基先生
  • John Kin Yu, KinYu Realty Corp., 余建業先生

  • Andrew Marcus, representing Commissioner, Hon. Dynishal Gross and Mayor of City of New York, Hon. Eric Adams
  • Lei Zhu, representing Comptroller of City of New York, Hon. Brad Lander
  • Yiyi Wang, representing Manhattan Borough President, Hon. Mark Levine
  • Jessica Lin, representing Council District 1, Council Member Hon. Christopher Marte

  • Dr. Warren W. Chin, representing Chinatown Partnership Local Development Corporation, 陳建樂醫生
  • TBD, representing NY Congressional District 10, Congressman Hon. Dan Goldman
  • Fannie Ip, representing NYS Assembly District 65, Assembly Member Hon. Grace Lee
  • TBD, representing NYS Senate District 26, Senator Hon. Brian Kavanagh
  • TBD, Manhattan Community Board #1
  • Antony Wong, Manhattan Community Board #2, 王志杰先生
  • Nancy Kong., Manhattan Community Board #3
  • Det. Rodney Rosado, NYPD, 5th Precinct
  • Det. Soto and P.O. Fagon, NYPD, 7th Precinct

Minutes of

Visit for a full list of Chinatown District Management Association, Inc. Board Meetings.

Be a part of our community.

From the Lunar New Year Parade to the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, Chinatown is a tight-knit cultural hub that invites New Yorkers and visitors to share in a rich sense of living history, all year round. Grab some boba, buy a souvenir for a friend, sing some karaoke, and stay a while.